Question-Meme generator

Juz updated my blog when I realized that I got tagged by her :p heh... it's not like a normal tag dat u guys or girls usually see. Since I'm not sure who would lurve to visit my blog, it is opened for everyone to try out this question-meme :D care to do it? C'mon then~! click HERE !

1. Have you dreamt of ili before?
heh... ofcourse ;) someday in the 3 weeks of holiday...

2. How would paez insult kimi?
"asal ngko nyer ram rendah?"

3. syfx just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
Waah~ Bleh masuk HB3 or HB4 without being spotted! rofl XD

4. What do you think of sarah?

sarah? she's cool with epicness~ hahaha :P

5. Describe wani in one word.

bulat? (heheh... XP)

6. Hot nana on syera action - Yes/No?
rofl~! erm... yes? ngahahaha XDDD

7. What would you do if you hadn't met ida?

teman kimi pegi makan :D

8. Have you ever had lunch together with kimi?
please refer to the above question~ :p

9. Do you do anything special with fiqa?
haha~ no... I don't think so~

10. What's syera to you?
pembakar semangat~ :p

hmm... suddenly I feel want to tag some people...
ngan muke X malu...aku tag org2 ini:

~ Shamirul ( bakal doktor M'sia :D )
~ Nadya Chot ( sila-sila la buat :p )
~ CT Nur ( lame x dgr habaq... )
~ Shidi ( aku nk tgk camner ko wat tag nyh. hahaha XD )
~ Aslam ( saje xder keje :p )

ingat! jangan segan2 untuk click di SINI !

4 people got burned:


February 3, 2009 at 11:54 PM

mimpi ape pasal i? :p


February 4, 2009 at 12:12 AM

heheh... maner ley kasi tau~ :P bile bangun dari tido je... rase kecewa orz~


February 4, 2009 at 4:13 AM

haha kecewa? alaaa nk rahsia2 lak cihhh


February 4, 2009 at 9:19 AM

hahaha~ maner ley bgtau kat sini XP