For all of us...

You are so weak...

I mean..
You ARE weak

No... Really...

You must adapt to wherever you are...

But It's not about where you are,
It's about what you do...

Don't expect...Don't assume...

You can't get everything you want...
You will not get the thing that you want most.

Don't just run away~
Fix the things that's broken...
Doesn't matter whether the fault is on you or others...

For crying out loud,

Come On!!

Open up your eyes!
There are lots of possibilities...
But don't stick to just the negatives one.

Sometimes you can't always get help...
But don't blame on others for your problems.

Your problems is yours to settle...
If you want help, you can always ask...

But don't put your hopes too high...
It's not their fault for being unhelpful or non supportive.

In the future...
All of these are the common things.

It's time to grow up~!

So Immature

We are not perfect...
Everyone have a weakness.
But to make fun of their weakness...that is so immature.

When people said too much, they reveal themselves easily without knowing it.
Being an observer, I get to know more about them..

And so, I try to be tolerant...
Trying to accept other people's weaknesses...
Let them say whatever they want to say...

To think that they always did the right thing...
And others are stupid enough not to understand it...

But I remember a quote:

"For other to understand you, You must seek to be understood"

...and Don't Assume!...

Assumption is the mother of all disaster!

To think that I have no problems...

That I don't know everything yet...

So you knew everything...?
Really? Wow!
But what you do...?

We can't always expect others to give whatever we want.
Try to look on yourselves on a mirror for once.
And think...

"Where did I do wrong...?"

I may look like always calm.
And keep quite most of the time.

But I to have feelings like other imperfect people...

Just A Crack

I can endure this...

It's just something that I need to get through...

Wedding Season..?

There's a lot of wedding ceremony held a few days ago...

My friend's siblings...
My roommate's siblings...
His teacher...

and other people out there who have a wedding on the same day.

and as usual (well...not THAT usual),
as a member of PSSGM,
performing silat on a wedding ceremony is a norm.

Me and my bro (Hafidz) performing bunga simbah

After attend quite a number of wedding ceremony,
I thought to myself...
"When will my turn come?"



As I sat in my lair....
Only boredom and emptyness fill in this shell.
The dullness taking up the empty spaces,
Where does the joy & cheerfulness gone..?


Is there someone who is waiting for me out there?

*staring again...

come here and hug me... lol~!

The 1st phase of days of restlessness have passed,
Now come another phase...
Oh boy, how I miss my bed and pillow ~_~
Can't wait to celebrate my youngest bro this Sunday <3

Sheikh Ahmad Haiqal turn to 6 dis 7th December~!

:D Happy Birthday Haiqal~! <3