A Road with a Hole

I read something interesting today...

1. I walk on a road. And there was a hole. I fell into the hole and it's impossible to get out. It's not my fault.

2. I walk on a road with a hole. I fell into the hole and it's very difficult to get out. It's my fault.

3. I walk on the same road and I fell into the hole again. It is becoming a habit. I get out immediately.

4. I walk on the same road. But this time, I walk around the hole.

5. I took different road.

See how we change...? At least we need to do the same mistake thrice before we realize our mistakes.

Ram yg Hebat

lepas jer submit assignment CG... keje DF lak yg mendatang. Ehh...tp Media Culture pon lom siap lagi ~_~ aihh... mse nk submit 1st assignment cg kat Encek Ram, ade seciput konversasi:

Mr Ram: Eh, cam kenal jer..
Aku: huh...? saper...?
Mr Ram: Yg ni... cam kenal awek ni (tunjuk kat cover design card valentine aku)
Aku: haa..? tu vector je kowt... ~_~

sengal nyer Mr Ram... sbb ram die hebat sgt. bnde yg spatutnyer x nmpak pon die leh nampak. huuh...dasat2. Korg sume kene berhati2...

Apology and forgiveness

I'm sorry for the things I say that make you mad, cry and sometimes break your heart.

I'm sorry for the things I do that make you feel like I don't love you, care about you and cause you pain.

I'm sorry for the times that I have broken your heart, made tear drops fall down your cheeks and for being so cold, selfish and unkind to you.

I'm sorry for how bad I hurt your feelings that make you feel unloved and alone feeling afraid to love and trust again.

I'm sorry for not loving you the way you love me and for not caring for you as you care for me.

I'm sorry for the tears, pain, heartache and sadness that I have brought to your life.

I'm sorry for not loving you with all my heart and soul completely, fully and truly.

I'm sorry for times I make you cry yourself to sleep at night or feel like you can't sleep cause of all the times I have hurt you.

I'm sorry for not treating you the right way like a lady which is the way you deserve to be treated with love, respect and kindness.

I'm sorry for not ever sending you flowers, writing you a love letter or a love poem.

I wish I could turn back the hands of time to all the times I have hurt you, made you cry and broke your heart to make things right to show you that I love you more than anything and that you are the most important, special and the only person means everything to me.

I would get down on my hands and knees and ask if you would please forgive me for all those times I hurt you, made you cry, cause you pain and broke your heart cause I will never ever forgive myself for all those times until you can give me a chance to mend your heart and make your heart whole again knowing that I never forgot you, didn't ever stop thinking about you, never stopped loving you, caring about you and that you have place inside my heart.

My feelings for you never changed cause my feelings for you run deep like a river to the sea from my heart to my soul. I mean everything I say from the bottom of my heart and the deeps of my soul cause my heart would feel incomplete and my soul would feel empty until I have your forgiveness so I truly and honestly hope you can forgive me and give me another chance to love you cause loving you makes me a better man.

~In jiwang mode~

Lelaki & Wanita


Ketampanan, Kekacakan, Keindahan seorang lelaki bukan pada rupa fizikal, tetapi pada murni rohani….
Lelaki yang 'cantik'….
Adalah lelaki yang mampu mengalirkan air mata untuk ingatan,
Adalah lelaki yang sedia menerima segala teguran,
Adalah lelaki yang memberi madu, setelah menerima racun,
Adalah lelaki yang tenang dan lapang dada,

Adalah lelaki yang tak pernah putus asa,
Kecantikan lelaki berdiri di atas kemuliaan hati,
Seluruh kecantikan yang ada pada Muhammad s.a.w.
adalah keindahan yang sempurna seorang lelaki.

Kecantikan, Keindahan, Keperkasaan serta Kegagahan seorang wanita bukan kepada pejal otot badan, tetapi pada kekuatan perasaan,
Perempuan yang gagah….
Adalah perempuan yang tahan menerima sebuah kehilangan,
Adalah perempuan yang tidak takut kepada kemiskinan,
Adalah perempuan yang tabah menanggung kerinduan setelah ditinggalkan,

Adalah perempuan yang tidak meminta-minta agar dipenuhi segala keinginan,
Kegagahan perempuan berdiri di atas teguh iman,
Seluruh kegagahan ini ada pada Khadijah yang Ehsan,
adalah kegagahan sempurna bagi seorang perempuan.

Pendirian yg berdiri

Nak buat, salah... X buat, pon salah gak. Hmm... Life is never simple. Aku sedang cuba sedaya upaya aku utk melakukan semua ngn terbaik. Tapi mcm biasala... Siapa yg nampak pun?

Hanya Dia yang Maha-mengetahui memahami segala perkara yg berlaku. Tetapi aku sedih... Kerana aku sering terlupa akan-Nya. Betapa berdosanya diri aku ini. Aku telah terlupa segala nasihat dan didikan yg aku dpt sejak sekian lama. Masuk mmu jer aku dah terhanyut...sedikit demi sedikit. Solat byk aku tinggal... doa harian pun dah lupa... Al-Quran lagi la... Sebab apa? Sebab aku selalu mengikut org saja. Tapi adakah aku mengikut org yg betul?

Mungkin aku belum bersedia lagi. Belum bersedia utk menjalani kehidupan yg sedang aku jalani sekarang. Walaupun aku tahu perkara-perkara yg kurang menyenangkan akan berlaku, tapi aku lakukan juga. Kenapa begitu? Disebabkan nafsu? Sikap kebudakan dlm diri aku? Atau mungkin aku yg inginkan sgt? Ya... aku sememangnya belum benar2 bersedia. Disebabkan itu, aku takut pihak yg disebelah sana rasa sedih, x puas hati, kecewa, dan sakit hati... lalu aku mengambil langkah utk tidak mewujudkan ikatan yg jelas. Kerana aku tidak mahu pihak tersebut rasa rimas apabila berlakunya konflik dalaman. Dengan tidak mewujudkan ikatan, maka tiada ikatan yg perlu diputuskan... sekurang2nya, itulah apa yg aku rasa.

Aku x ingin salahkan sesiapa... Sebab aku pun apa bezanya. Utk memahami org sememangnya sukar. Tapi bukannya bermakna kita x boleh memahami org laen. Aku x harapkan org lain berubah supaya lbh sng utk difahami. Kalau nak kata aku ubah diri aku, mmg aku dah berubah jika nak dibandingkan dgn diri aku yg sebelum ini. Tapi cuma... mungkin bukan berubah kepada yg lebih baik...

Nampaknya aku sekali lagi telah mengecewakan org yg aku syg seperti dahulu. Cuma dari segi lain. Tapi semakin lama dia makin kecewa... Dan aku ingat perkara ini xkan berulang lagi... Kenapa begitu? Mungkin apa yg aku lakukan bertentangan dgn apa yg diharapkan.

Aku ada pendirian. Tapi x tahu la jika ia masih lagi berdiri...

let's charity, let's futsal!


Want to play futsal? Want some prizes to be won? Then what are you waiting for...? Come register your team for the MMU Intervarsity Charity Futsal '09 competition! Come guys and girls to the Sunway Sports Planet this 14 & 15 March. Over RM 2000 to be won~! For more details, visit our blog

Les Copaque production

Memandangkan aku dpt tgk byk org da promo-promo Geng serta Upin & Ipin... nie ha~ aku pon nak promote gak :P tengok desktop wallpaper aku nie~ Screensaver pon aku pakai Upin & Ipin skali XD

Jangan lupe saksikan "Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula!" pada 12 Feb 2009! :D

utk download ringtone, wallpaper, screensaver or what so ever pasal Upin & Ipin, sila klik link ini:

Question-Meme generator

Juz updated my blog when I realized that I got tagged by her :p heh... it's not like a normal tag dat u guys or girls usually see. Since I'm not sure who would lurve to visit my blog, it is opened for everyone to try out this question-meme :D care to do it? C'mon then~! click HERE !

1. Have you dreamt of ili before?
heh... ofcourse ;) someday in the 3 weeks of holiday...

2. How would paez insult kimi?
"asal ngko nyer ram rendah?"

3. syfx just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
Waah~ Bleh masuk HB3 or HB4 without being spotted! rofl XD

4. What do you think of sarah?

sarah? she's cool with epicness~ hahaha :P

5. Describe wani in one word.

bulat? (heheh... XP)

6. Hot nana on syera action - Yes/No?
rofl~! erm... yes? ngahahaha XDDD

7. What would you do if you hadn't met ida?

teman kimi pegi makan :D

8. Have you ever had lunch together with kimi?
please refer to the above question~ :p

9. Do you do anything special with fiqa?
haha~ no... I don't think so~

10. What's syera to you?
pembakar semangat~ :p

hmm... suddenly I feel want to tag some people...
ngan muke X malu...aku tag org2 ini:

~ Shamirul ( bakal doktor M'sia :D )
~ Nadya Chot ( sila-sila la buat :p )
~ CT Nur ( lame x dgr habaq... )
~ Shidi ( aku nk tgk camner ko wat tag nyh. hahaha XD )
~ Aslam ( saje xder keje :p )

ingat! jangan segan2 untuk click di SINI !

Harry Potter vs anai-anai

bile balik je utk cuti sem 2... lps berbulan2 x sentuh koleksi novel Harry Potter kat rak buku... aku mule dgr bunyi "krok krek krok krek" byk kali kat sebalik buku-buku tu. Aku pon ape lagi... teros tarik buku Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ke belakang... lps tu nk tau ape yg aku nampak...?

then... ape jadi ngn buku Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince aku tu...?


"Ya Allah!" itu ape yg aku fikir. Apekah semua ini? Apa dah jadi dgn buku koleksi aku ni? Buku tu MAHAL Tuu~! lebih kurang RM 100 utk 1 buku! Sekarang dah hanco di makan anai2 ~_~

Lepas beberape hari kemudian, dtg la org anai-anai ke rumah. Buku2 yg lain2 pon kene gak, tp yg plg terok kene...semua novel Harry Potter aku~ lps aku kumpul sume buku2 Harry Potter tu, aku pon quarantine kan buku tu kat luar... kat tgh panas. Keesokan harinya (nsb baek la x hujan :P) aku pon pg cek balik buku2 tu... dan ini rupanyer...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix aku~ T.T

asalnyer rata jer... sbb panas, die cam timbul lak

bahagian bwh buku tu ~_~ click gamba utk tgk anai2 yg dah mati

buku Harry Potter yg laen...

tgk ape anai2 tu buat kat dlm buku aku tuu... ~_~

mule2 camni... lps tu aku pg patahkan bhg atas tu jadi...

...camni. WARGH~! Buku aku dah jadi 100% sarang anai-anai!!

Waaahh~! TToTT habis la buku2 aku tu... x dpt nak diselamatkan lagi ~_~ yg paling terok kene aku rase yg "the Order of the Phoenix" sbb da transform jadi sarang anai2 teros. Seb baek la aku da hbis bace sume tu. Sekarang yg tinggal hanya buku final, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" nasib baek gak la aku pg tinggalkan novel tu kat hostel. Xder la kene makan ngn anai2 skali. Hanya 1 buku tu saja yg tinggal dr semua koleksi2 novel Harry Potter aku ~_~

Moral: jangan tinggalkan buku kat satu tempat dan x sentuh2 utk berbulan2 lamanya...

Identify personality from colours?

I have done this a month ago, a quiz that determine our personality through selection of colours. It's so true that I can't deny it... i think it's called "ColorGenics"

You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'.

You are trying to improve your position and prestige - be it in your life or in your workplace. Things are, at this time, OK - but they could be better. You feel that it is essential that you break down any opposition that could possibly lurk in the shadows. You know that you are quite capable of achieving this set goal because you have to and because it is essential to your self esteem.

You are confined and trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way out. Whatever you seem to do to resolve the problem hasn't worked out. Fortunately you are able to gain some aspect of relief from someone close to you.

You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

heh... perhaps I'm the only one who clearly understands it. Then again... who would want to anyway? :D care to try it out? click here

Kesan daripada 13 Mei

heh... ade klua kat surat khabar kosmo tu dulu. Kat front page dorg tulis "diserang geng parang kerana RM10" lol

Inverted Sharingan :P

Kesan: tak bleh angkat kening sebelah

Belah kanan kepala

Belah kiri kepala

Kesan: tak bleh wat stail rambut pendek sbb nmpak parut :P

Tapi kalo nk dibandingkan dengan kekejaman Zionis yg bunuh rakyat Palestin... Ni kire tak teruk langsung...