
"Jgnlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan jgnlah pula kamu
bersedih hati, padahal kamulah org-org yg plg tinggi
darjatnya, jika kamu org-org yg beriman."


Identiti disebalik Mukabuku

sila klik gambar

no rush = no regret

Don't rush through growing up. It's a priceless feeling to be able to break one more glass, skip one more class. There will come a time where things will slow down. And we will miss our days when being young and reckless was all that meant to us. Every tree started from a bud. You will do great things one day, but till then, live freely and without regret.

Who's that pokemon?


I am a Charizard!

I got this pokemon :D

who wants to try this quiz?
go try it yourself...
because I'm so lazy to tag others :P


"memang salah cara ko tu..."
"sebab cara ko tu salah..."

What's the different...?
No one is perfect...

but still... it is your fault.

Quote for the day

Those who break the rules will move farther ahead - Sheikh@Fadhil
It is said that rules area meant to be broken...
Sometimes, rules are just get in your way for you to improve further.
and only those who have guts to break the rules will advanced to another level.
But first... Know the rules first before break it!