You are so weak...
I mean..
You ARE weak
No... Really...
You must adapt to wherever you are...
But It's not about where you are,
It's about what you do...
Don't expect...Don't assume...
You can't get everything you want...
You will not get the thing that you want most.
Don't just run away~
Fix the things that's broken...
Doesn't matter whether the fault is on you or others...
For crying out loud,
Come On!!
Open up your eyes!
There are lots of possibilities...
But don't stick to just the negatives one.
Sometimes you can't always get help...
But don't blame on others for your problems.
Your problems is yours to settle...
If you want help, you can always ask...
But don't put your hopes too high...
It's not their fault for being unhelpful or non supportive.
In the future...
All of these are the common things.
It's time to grow up~!