Short Documentary Film

A day in a Life of an Indipendent Filmmaker from Persafect on Vimeo.

This is our first short documentary film from us, the Visionary Dummies. Yes... D.U.M.M.I.E.S. But we are not just ordinary dummies. We have vision! We all learn anything from basic as newbies or noob if you like to call it. We also wanted to be the best and that is why we have our own vision to achieve that. So yeah... Dummies with Vision = Visionary Dummies!

Director - Syahirah bt Mohd Radzuan
Asst. Director - Gayathrie d/o Devasanapathy
Editor - Muhammad Azfar b. Mohd Sobri
Asst. Editor - Sheikh Ahmad Fadhil bin Sh. Ishak (myself)
Sound Editor - Mohd Hadiy Syakir b. Mohd Khir
Art Director - Ili Farhanah bt Norizan
Director of Photography - Sheikh Ahmad Fadhil bin Sh. Ishak (myself)

This video is mostly edited by me.

2 people got burned:


May 9, 2010 at 4:31 AM

you've done a great job ;)


May 13, 2010 at 11:16 AM

hehehe thanks :D
harap ade PC yg power sket supaya xder stuck2 or kesilapan mase nk wat editting lagi. huhu~