Awan di atas bumbung rumahku

Time Lapse - Clouds from Persafect on Vimeo.

Video Time-Lapse pertama ku.
~ Awan bergerak2 dgn riang dan suka hati :P ~

Shot using Canon EOS 500D
Edit with Adobe After Effects CS4
Song: Leaving On A Jet Plane by Will (Glee)

Short Documentary Film

A day in a Life of an Indipendent Filmmaker from Persafect on Vimeo.

This is our first short documentary film from us, the Visionary Dummies. Yes... D.U.M.M.I.E.S. But we are not just ordinary dummies. We have vision! We all learn anything from basic as newbies or noob if you like to call it. We also wanted to be the best and that is why we have our own vision to achieve that. So yeah... Dummies with Vision = Visionary Dummies!

Director - Syahirah bt Mohd Radzuan
Asst. Director - Gayathrie d/o Devasanapathy
Editor - Muhammad Azfar b. Mohd Sobri
Asst. Editor - Sheikh Ahmad Fadhil bin Sh. Ishak (myself)
Sound Editor - Mohd Hadiy Syakir b. Mohd Khir
Art Director - Ili Farhanah bt Norizan
Director of Photography - Sheikh Ahmad Fadhil bin Sh. Ishak (myself)

This video is mostly edited by me.

mari belajar buat smiley

Perbualan bersama adik darjah 2 melalui account Facebook ibunya...

nama di-censored-kan atas sebab privacy

Ya~! dia sudah belajar untuk buat " :D " dan muka ejek " :P "

Inilah dia Haiqal :p

Friday prayer

It's a special day, it's Friday.
Why does it special?

  • Tomorrow is holiday for school?
  • Because it's the end of the week?
  • For those who born on Friday will be given a name "Sheikh" or "Syed"?
I'm sure there are more than that which makes Friday a special day. But What does male Muslim do in Friday? What do we do?

Yes, It's Friday Prayer.

We go early to the Masjid to hear khutbah in order to strengthen our aqidah, iman and also our understanding in Islam itself. Just hearing the khutbah itslef, Allah the Almighty give us pahala. Isn't the God is the most generous and most merciful? But there is another thing behind that...

Then one day... after the prayer ended, and when most of the people have went out of the Masjid, my Dad show me something that I didn't really aware of before. We are on the top floor inside the Masjid and my dad says to look down below us.

"Fadhil tau tak kenapa Abah selalu solat sunat lepas sembahyang jumaat? cube tgk kat bwh sana".

And so I look down like my fatrher said, and there are still quite a number of people that still sit sit down praying, recite Quran and du'a. Well, I know what they are doing but I don't really get why. I just thought they wanted pahala. Then my dad said,

"Sebabnya dlm hari Jumaat, iaitu yg bermula daripda Maghrib semalam hingga Maghrib malam ni, ade SATU ketika dimana Allah akan terima segala doa kita. Dan orang2 yg kat bawah tu, yg tengah sembahyang, berdoa dan baca Al-Quran... mereka tau akan perkara ni".

That is why... Friday is so special. So make it the best out of you~

Ramadhan al-Mubarak

Patut nye post mnde ni dr awal bulan ramadhan. Tetapi disebabkan kemalasan meng-update-kan blog menyelubungi diri... susah sket la :p

For The People Who Are Still Alive

First time tgk video ni aku nangis...
Tak tau asal...
Tapi lagu die best
Typography die pon bleh tahan best~ :P

Thx to ilif for showing me this video <:

3D Modelling: 1st Assignment

Nak tunggu die render ni lame gile. Ade la kene beberape belas minit.

Then tetibe die crash T_T x sempat nk save sume yg td.

So aku pon hantar je mane yg sempat render (*satu pakai skylight sbb render lame tp sempat save) . Adjust sket2 kaler die then save. Nyesal buat last minute smpai x tido. Keesokan harinye aku demam ~_~.
